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Mahtab Novel (Part 1)

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Life is not always compatible with people, and sometimes it leads them down a path that feels like a dream. I have never had many friends in my life, and in reality, my mother filled the void of all friends for me. But now, with her passing, I had become quite lonely and thinking of finding friend.

That evening, when I arrived home and put my keys into the lock, I saw Raziye, our landlady, busy sweeping the yard. She became a bit flustered upon seeing me and greeted me.

I didn't want her to feel more embarrassed or think too much about it. I approached her and said, "Raziye, to be honest, I'll be going to work for a few more days! The first paycheck I receive, I'll pay off our debts! I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble these past weeks!"

Raziye raised her tired face between her hands and said, "Oh, dear Marjan, don't say that! I know what you're going through; if Taher wasn't in this condition, I would have told you to come and stay here with me without any rent!"


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